If you’re a site owner, a problem might always emerge and it doesn’t automatically have to be connected to the web hosting service. For instance, something might go wrong when you bring a software app up to date or some vital content may be modified or erased incidentally. Irrespective of what the nature of the problem might be, you’ll have to contact the respective help desk staff and ask them to retrieve a backup or to help you fix the problem that you’re struggling with. How fast they will do this will predetermine the time that your sites will be unreachable. For given websites such as community sites or e-shops, a prolonged downtime can often mean lost clients and money. Therefore, it is extremely important for you to use the services of a hosting company that offers not only a good customer service, but also a prompt one.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Web Hosting
Our guaranteed maximum reaction time for any customer support ticket that you post or any email that you write is just 1 hour, even if you contact us on weekends and public holidays. Whatever the essence of your question or problem may be, we will lend a hand momentarily and will provide you with the required info to resolve any problem with your sites. The actual reply time commonly doesn’t surpass fifteen-twenty minutes, which is the reason why you can just forget about waiting for hours to get a problem fixed or even worse than that – waiting a whole day only to receive a response that more information is required while nothing’s fixed. We’ll offer you assistance in a timely manner because we know how costly time can be in the dynamic electronic age. The one-hour response guarantee is valid for any billing or technical query that you might have associated with our shared web hosting.